- (855) 254-0040
- Portland, ME 04101, United States
Laurence Kelly
December 1, 2022
The real estate industry is a numbers game that involves a heavy dose of persistence and patience. Selling a house takes a lot of work. For some realtors, this may be a second or even a third job! With such a fast and competitive market, clear and quick communication is key to landing leads and locking down contracts. A missed call could mean a missed sale –– and no realtor wants that!
US Answer virtual answering service is a tool that all Maine realtors will benefit from. Our virtual receptionists will be an extension of your real estate team by answering calls, forwarding messages, and answering questions about your business. This leaves you, the busy realtor, time for the money-making tasks: meeting with your clients, marketing your listings, and attending to your buyers and sellers. Don’t miss a call back from a lead when you’re in an important meeting or working hard at a second job!
Being a successful realtor isn’t a 9-5 operation, which can mean long hours and potential missed calls if you’re out to dinner, hitting the gym, or at a business meeting. A virtual answering service is there to pick up your phone 13 hours a day. US Answer also offers custom tailored pricing packages to suit your specific needs. Current pricing tiers start at just $98 a month.US Answer virtual receptionists have the power to turn leads into future clients. People are discouraged when their phone calls are met with voicemail. A live, friendly, and informed voice on the other end of the line will impress callers and assure they are working with true professionals. Buying a house is an expensive purchase and future homeowners like to shop around. Be a Maine realtor with a competitive edge and use a virtual answering service to boost your home sales today!
Contact us and we will walk you through our process and benefits
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Your calls are our priority. We are built to be there, so you don’t have to.
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