Live Virtual Receptionist vs Traditional front office receptionist or…Voicemail.

Call Answering Service
Call center team at work

Time marches on as we enter into the next socioeconomically era. One that comes from and will address the over 50 Million solopreneur, small and medium size businesses that represent the past, current and future engines of society. Going forward, in this market, is about efficiency, reducing overhead and getting the biggest bang for one’s buck, while still producing a quality product. 

There are still many who cling on to the old ways. Some of said ways are time tested and hold firm, while others may have maintained, but are now shown to be wreaking havoc on the many as well as our environment.

Take voice-mail, a great advancement from the answering machine and pager days. It helped millions who didn’t want or have time to answer their phones. They’d get back from the golf course to a pile of messages to return and they didn’t have to pay thousands a month for a receptionist to do the same thing. 

Then the voicemail novelty began to wear off and it was a short step to pissing people off.  Studies now show that close to 80% of callers hang up when they get to voicemail, hence live answering has come back around in a BIG, much more robust way. 

10 years ago, there were 35 Million Solopreneurs who left the corporate work-structure to start their own small business. There are 50 Million today w/ 75M projected within the next 10 years.

Historically, these small businesses would need to borrow money, not only to get going but, to survive for however long it would take for their business to grow enough to be able to pay the $4,000 or $5,000 each month in office expenses  just to keep the doors open, much less turn a profit. When you consider $1,000++ for rent, $2,000+ for a receptionist, another couple of thousand for- loan payments, extra payroll, Utilities, insurance, supplies etc., it’s no wonder that small businesses are leaving the traditional office structure in droves. The majority of those who stay don’t survive.  

US-Answer (USA), the premier live answering service offers small businesses nationwide the professional “front office” receptionist/ image they’re looking for and need. At a fraction of the cost of the traditional front office, described above, USA moves beyond the traditional answering service or call center. One where it’s frustratingly obvious to a caller that the disinterested, disconnected receptionists answering calls for a company have no connection to or knowledge/ interest of the business being called. All they can do is take messages to pass on to the owner and/ or his/ her delegates to retrieve when they called in.  

USA starts by building a custom profile for each account. Said profile flashes up on the receptionist’s computer screen when calls come in for that particular account. Said profile offers up to date information (with links) that may be edited in live-time and relayed to callers. Also, depending on the situation and the wishes of the company being called, the receptionist may attempt to forward the call on to the appropriate individual wherever they may be, or take a message and send it via text and/or email. 

USA designed its service to give the caller the impression that the receptionist who answers the call is in the next room from the individual(s) being called and has been with the company for many years. In reality, said company may be on the other side of the country and it may be the first time this particular receptionist has answered a call for this company and.

Starting at $79 per month, the only answer is US Answer

Laurence A. Kelly

USAnswer – Director

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