Business phone answering services are the way of the world now

Business phone answering services are the way of the world now

Business phone answering services are the way of the world now Maine Host October 23, 2023 Small Business,Virtual Receptionist Business phone answering services are the way of the world now for small businesses in need of a AFFORDABLE professional, informative, warm & friendly, live answering/ forwarding phone service. How many small businesses can afford the […]

Have your own “personal” professionally trained live virtual receptionist

Have your own “personal” professionally trained live virtual receptionist

Have your own “personal” professionally trained live virtual receptionist Maine Host October 23, 2023 Small Business,Virtual Receptionist As we move into the next socioeconomic era we find some interesting statistics running counter to “business as usual” we’ve seen for the past 100+ years as corporations led the way and grew to staggering (and sadly) unhealthy […]

The best professional live answering/ forwarding, virtual live reception?

The best professional live answering/ forwarding, virtual live reception?

The best professional live answering/ forwarding, virtual live reception? Host October 23, 2023 Small Business,Virtual Receptionist What makes for the best professional live answering/ forwarding, virtual live reception service for small businesses?  One may say the virtual office receptionist who answer the phones. This of course would be true as they are the front line […]

Live Virtual Receptionist vs Traditional front office receptionist or Voicemail

Rotary phone set outside on the ground

Live Virtual Receptionist vs Traditional front office receptionist or Voicemail Maine Host September 11, 2023 Small Business,Virtual Receptionist Live Virtual Receptionist vs Traditional front office receptionist or…Voicemail.   Q:    Thinking of hiring on a traditional fulltime professional front office receptionist for your small to medium size business, but feel you may not be able to […]