NEWS FLASH! Laurence Kelly December 28, 2022 Small Business,Virtual Receptionist NEWS FLASH- 80% (OF CALLERS) hang up when they get voicemail. If you depend on voicemail to represent your business, you are losing business. We will capture that business and help you close those deals. How much would you pay for a professional, personable receptionist to answer your phone calls […]
Keeping Your Business | Be Prepared
Keeping Your Business | Be Prepared Laurence Kelly December 28, 2022 Phone Service Benefits,Small Business,Virtual Receptionist Preparation is key to producing a powerful product that having a virtual receptionist provides. If you’re a small law firm, solo practitioner doctor or an independent contractor being prepared can be the key to success. If you are a […]
Helping You Focus On Your Business!
Helping You Focus On Your Business! Laurence Kelly December 28, 2022 Small Business,Virtual Receptionist Every day we aspire to use our time as profitably as possible. Aiming for a zen state of peak performance, uninterrupted concentrated workflow. The idea of an hour and a half of uninterrupted activity sounds like a fantasy these days. It’s […]
One Solopreneur Dishes on Why He Hired A Virtual Receptionist
One Solopreneur Dishes on Why He Hired A Virtual Receptionist Laurence Kelly December 28, 2022 Small Business,Virtual Receptionist Hiring a virtual receptionist has proven to be beneficial for businesses of all sizes. Virtual receptionists give employees and team leaders more time to tackle priority tasks, a work break to relax and recharge, and saves companies […]
Why Hiring a Virtual Receptionist is a Game Changer For Your Small Business
Why Hiring a Virtual Receptionist is a Game Changer For Your Small Business Laurence Kelly December 28, 2022 Small Business,Virtual Receptionist Simply put, a Virtual Receptionist is a game-changer. Many small businesses, entrepreneurs, and solopreneurs have caught on to this cost-effective alternative to full-time in-office receptionists. USAnswer Virtual Receptionists are based in Portland, Maine. Anyone […]
3 Telephone Answering Service Benefits
3 Telephone Answering Service Benefits Laurence Kelly December 28, 2022 Phone Service Benefits,Small Business,Virtual Receptionist The idea of having a stranger you’ve never met answer your business phone might be off-putting. You don’t know how they handle calls, how they speak, or if they are as professional as your business strives to be. US Answer […]
Slow At Phone Answering? You’re Losing Business!
Laurence Kelly December 28, 2022 Virtual Receptionist Slow At Phone Answering? You’re Losing Business! Have you ever found yourself listening to a phone ringing in the distance and wondered, “Isn’t anyone going to answer that?” If this is a common occurrence in your office, your business may be losing sales, leads, and even credibility. Even […]
What Exactly is a Virtual Receptionist?
What Exactly is a Virtual Receptionist? Laurence Kelly December 1, 2022 Virtual Receptionist There is a good chance you’ve never heard of a virtual receptionist. You might be thinking, “What is a virtual receptionist? Is this virtual helper a hologram in my office, greeting my guests with programmable professionalism and charm?” While that idea sounds […]
Maine Realtors Lose Leads Without a Virtual Answering Service
Maine Realtors Lose Leads Without a Virtual Answering Service Laurence Kelly December 1, 2022 Small Business,Virtual Receptionist The real estate industry is a numbers game that involves a heavy dose of persistence and patience. Selling a house takes a lot of work. For some realtors, this may be a second or even a third job! […]
How Can a Telephone Answering Service Benefit Me?
How Can a Telephone Answering Service Benefit Me? Laurence Kelly December 1, 2022 Phone Service Benefits,Small Business,Virtual Receptionist A quality effective professional Live Telephone Answering Service may beall a small business really needs when starting out. For under $100 amonth, as opposed the thousands it would take to maintain a physicaloffice, you are able to […]